Our company is a high quality motor and drive solution provider in China.
Factory construction time
"Professional motor manufacturer"
Rich manufacturing experience
Founded in 2002, is a specialized manufacturer of motors and drives
The 170,000M-long coil serves as a testament to our growth and is ample evidence of our rich manufacturing experience.
Patent protection
The company is committed to innovation, research and development and remains ahead of its competitors in the industry, and currently holds more than 50 patents.
Motor efficiency
91%+ motor efficiency, leading most motor manufacturers.
Motor for industrial robots
We provide our clients with a complete set of superior services for motors of industrial robots, including scheme design, data provision, preliminary sample testing experiment, scheme correction, mass production, quality control, etc.
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Propeller motor
The Propeller motor that has been put into mass production has achieved an IP68 waterproof rating and can generate a maximum thrust of over 80KG when paired with a high-efficiency propeller.
High -power motor
The mass-produced high-power DC brushless motor has achieved a maximum power of 40KW and a maximum torque of 50N.M. We can also customize motors with various requirements for our customers.
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BLDC motor/HALL sensor for small household appliances, higher speed, stronger torque, lower current, meeting more application needs of small household appliances.
High-powered and high waterproof grade motors, which are used in waterborne propellers such as eFoil, eSurfboard, electric submersibles, and electric go-kart boats.
BLDC motor(HALL sensor) is widely used in a variety of products, including mechanical equipment, cars, electric products, etc., which have accuracy requirements for motors.
Our growth mainly relies on our good reputation as we always promise to always provide high quality products and good services. Company Yeaowl Technology is providing better motors,creating more value for customers, and helping to build a better world .
Yeaowl Technology is an industry-leading manufacturer of motors and drives, as well as a national high-tech enterprise. Yeaowl Technology produces DC permanent magnet motors, DC brushless motors, waterproof motors, BLDC motors, motor drives, motor controllers, and provides comprehensive solutions for electric drive products.
22 / 3000m² / 26%
Plant area
Technical Support
With 22 years of experience in mechanical power systems and a strong research and development team, we can meet the diverse application needs of our customers.
Standardized production and assembly as well as strict process control ensure the consistency and capacity of products.
Strictly implement ISO quality management standards and utilize professional testing equipment to meet customers' requirements for product quality.
Quality Control
We provide fast, accurate, and efficient solutions to all customers, meeting their diverse needs.
제2회 중국해사장비박람회 2024
푸저우 해양장비 전시회에서 여러분을 만나 뵙기를 바랍니다.
중국 하이테크 페어 2024
올해 선전에서 열리는 중국 하이테크 박람회에서 여러분을 만나 뵙기를 바랍니다.
중국 해양 경제 엑스포
우리는 2024년 10월 31일부터 11월 4일까지 선전 해양 경제 박람회에 자사 제품을 선보일 예정입니다.
저희는 25회 상하이 모터 전시회에 초대되었습니다. 여러분을 만나 뵙기를 기대합니다.
중국 하이테크 페어 2023
2023년 11월 15일부터 19일까지 중국 심천에서 열리는 중국 하이테크 박람회에 참가하기 위해 새로운 제품을 선보일 예정입니다.
완전히 새로운 고추력 듀얼 제트 추진기는 상하이 신국제전시장 N4홀 A232 부스에서 출시될 예정입니다.
제25회 중국국제
전기 모터 엑스포 및 포럼
제24회 중국국제
전기 모터 엑스포 및 포럼